Quality Security Costs Money

How can you tell if you have a quality security guard? What does $15/hr versus $30/hr looking like? Good security costs money. Allow us to reiterate. You get what you pay for in this world.
This is true of many products, but the argument can be made that there are often substitutes that cost less for even the best items on the market. The same cannot be said of motivated employees. And worse, security personnel are required to work in inhospitable circumstances, in poor weather, on overnight shifts, and usually alone, when the confluence of these factors affects their work.
One could say that higher pay alleviates these concerns. Not entirely. While DPSG recommends higher pay for security personnel, it goes hand in hand with superior training. Demanding excellence in work product and self-control should be required of all security personnel. For example, we require strict adherence to protocols, procedures, schedules and process. By doing so we expect a level of performance that benefits the client.
In replacing guards placed by other firms we note that many were not highly trained, shirked their duties and did not adhere to rules or procedures meant to secure property and equipment.
The main point we want potential clients to understand is that you do get what you pay for in this instance. Those companies who have multi-million dollar investments in buildings, equipment, data, and products should take a step back from their budgets and ask a very simple question.
If you owned a multi-million dollar warehouse, filled with priceless mainly irreplaceable personal heirlooms, what would you pay to secure it? Who would guard it? Since the answers to the questions warrant an honest evaluation, we ask potential clients to consider the consequences of losing your data, computers, or valuable equipment.
A well-trained and efficient security guard can be the most inexpensive form of insurance.